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Brody Celebrates 1 Year From Heart Surgery: GiGi's Playhouse Feature

Let’s celebrate! Baby Brody is celebrating his one year anniversary from his heart surgery, and we are excited to mark one year of collaboration with GiGi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Centers. Together, we have been spreading smiles and support for their incredible members with Down syndrome.

In honor of this celebration, we are giving a FREE Glasses Wall Organizer gift with every prescription glasses purchase in July 2023! Add the wall hanger to your cart and use the code "BRODY" at checkout to get for free.

"Today marks 1 year since Brody's open heart surgery. We found out around 25 weeks through a positive NIPT test that Brody had a 98% chance of having down syndrome.

4 weeks later we received confirmation of his diagnosis when we found from an ultra sound that Brody had a hole in his heart. At the time the sonographer told us they did see a little something but it did not look very significant and had to refer us to Radys cardiology team. From there we learned that Brody actually had a hole in the middle of his heart called a complete AVSD that would require open heart surgery 3-4 months after he was born.

A little less then a year later it was time to put our baby boy in the hands of doctors and had to trust that God was going to take care of him through surgery and recovery. 6 grueling hours of endless thoughts and stress waiting for the call that "your son is out of surgery and in recovery", we received that call and a waive of relief flooded over us.

My momma heart hurts thinking about everything he had to go through but I could not be more proud of who this beautiful little soul is and what he has already overcame in his short life so far. He works so hard every day and is so motivated, it truly amazes me.

We are lucky to have Brody in our lives, he is a living miracle and I can't wait to see how he will impact this world."

- Jana Aguirre


Gigi's playhouse is a complete non-profit organization solely funded by donations. They work hard to help spread awareness and acceptance for individuals who have Down syndrome.

They provide daily classes, activities, and events for all individuals with Down syndrome for free. They offer life skills, education classes, fitness classes, and music classes that Brody (and other littles) will benefit from for the rest of his life at absolutely no cost.


Roshambo Eyewear is excited to be a contributing partner of GiGi's Playhouse nationwide. In it's program, Roshambo donates 10% of all sales generated by GiGi's Playhouse facilities and members back to the non-profit every month. In addition to the donation, Roshambo also offers a 20% discount to GiGi's Playhouse members in support of their families and children needing prescription eyewear. GiGi's Playhouse programs are 100% free to families and is a 99% volunteer-run organization! *Please contact your local chapter to learn more about this discount available to your family.


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